Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Time to Prep for Easter

It’s that time again… another candy-filled holiday is on its way.  For those of us with food issues, the few weeks before the holiday is the time for checking the  labels in the stores.

In those few rare moments that I’ve been in the store by myself and not in a hurry, I have looked at some of the candy labels.  And this year, I am finding “wheat” on quite a few labels that I’ve not seen before.

Remember that just because one type of candy is gluten-free in it’s normal form, that does not mean it will be in all forms.  For instance, at Easter, Reese’s makes little egg-shaped candies that contain wheat flour.

So take the time now, while there’s still a good selection at the stores, and check the labels.  If you are prepared, you are less likely to get hurt or terribly annoyed.  🙂

In other (somewhat opposite) news, I just have to brag on myself a little bit: since November, I have lost 9 pounds.  But what is even better, is that I can now work really hard in an hour-long Zumba class AND play a hard hour of racquetball.  My game’s getting better, too.

Have you been able to make some healthier changes to your life lately?  If I could just give up this Easter candy corn I bought, and the chocolate, I might really make some headway.  🙂






One response to “Time to Prep for Easter”

  1. Denis Avatar

    We’ve been contacting manufacturers for the past few weeks to get the GF status of each individual products, and you hit it on the nose with the warning about different sizes and varieties. We’ve launched the first 150 or so of our 2010 GF Easter chocolate & candy list at and thought you might like to check it out.
    I would certainly appreciate any feedback.