Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

New (to me) GF chips

While shopping at our local grocery store one day, Andy announces he’s tired of Mission Tortilla Chips, and asks what else I can have. Now, I don’t eat any of the Lay’s stuff except the Stax (dedicated lines), because I have been glutened on at least 2 separate occasions from their tortilla chips. Two times, and I leave that product alone.
So we started looking at the chips, and reading the labels. I pick up a bag of Xochitl chips, and read the ingredients list, then see it says “no gluten” on the side. I am always excited to see those words (except when they don’t belong – i.e., liar, liar pants on fire). After putting the bag in my cart, I realized it says “no gluten” twice on the front! These are thin chips.
We also found that Calidad chips (in a big yellow bag) say “gluten-free” right under the ingredient list. (They are actually part of Mission Foods.) These are a thicker chip, and are saltier than the Xochitl (at least the ones I had). They are both good chips, but a whole lot different.

In other chip news, I bought a new kind of RiceWorks brown rice chip at Costco the other day. It is Salsa Fresca. Us Texans like our salsa. They’re a bit spicy, and covered in dehydrated vegetables (how much better can they get?). Carter says “mmm.” They have other flavors, including Sea Salt, but I have only found (and tried) the Sweet Chili (also good).

At the local GIG meeting, we always have a raffle (products – often donated by the manufacturer, memberships, sometimes books). This month, some of our products were from Arico Foods. I won some Cassava Chips, the flavor Ginger on Fire (Hey, Ging, you should try these). These are a little sweet, and a little spicy. Carter spit them out – he would probably prefer the Sea Salt Mist.



