Last week, information was reported, which has now circulated among groups, and in blog-posts, that the FDA’s proposed rules on GF labeling “were effective in August.” That statement is INCORRECT.
Since 2004, when we worked so hard to get the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act passed, the celiac community has been [waiting] for this announcement from the FDA. Unfortunately, it will be a bit longer.
According to the FDA:
“The final rule to define the food labeling term “gluten-free” will not be issued until sometime after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) publishes a Federal Register notice announcing the availability of its draft report on a safety assessment for gluten intake by individuals with Celiac disease. FDA will be soliciting public comments on that draft which will be considered along with the comments we previously received on the proposed rule on gluten-free food labeling as well as the findings of the safety assessment itself in developing a final rule.
The notice on the safety assessment is expected to be published shortly, but it is premature to anticipate the issuance date of the final rule. However, when the notice and final rule are published, they likely will be posted at FDA’s website Therefore, you may wish to visit that website periodically for any updates.”
It is not clear when the safety assessment report will be published. As soon as the ACDA can confirm the report is available, the information will be posted on the Celiac Listserv and distributed through our email network.
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If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
Andrea Levario
Executive Director
American Celiac Disease Alliance