Category: Healthy-ish
Delightful Pear Crisp
My pear tree o’erfloweth. Well, technically, it is my parents’ pear tree, but I’m the one who takes care of it. I decided to pick some pears yesterday for a friend of mine who is about to give birth to her 7th child. I told her 12 year old daughter that a pear crisp would…
Staying Fit with Yoplait and a Giveaway
After I did the Betty Crocker reviews and giveaway, I was invited to participate in MyBlogSpark. They send me stuff to review and giveaway. And guess what – I’ve got a few things to give away. And since I’m getting backed up on my giveaways, I’m not going to wait for the previous one to…
Enchiladas and Strawberry Shortcake
I haven’t spent much time in the kitchen the last couple of months (as you may have realized due to the lack of recipe postings). My older brother and his family moved down here at the end of May. I figure if Melissa (my sister-in-law) is making dinner on a night that Andy is at…