Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Happy Celiac Awareness Day!

I nearly forgot what day it is.  Happy National Celiac Awareness Day!

Of course, we have the whole month of May, and perhaps, in your life, everyday is Celiac Awareness Day.  It usually is in mine.  🙂

I went grocery shopping this morning.  Now, you might think with all the cooking and baking I do to feed a family of 5 gluten-free (and corn, soy, peanut, and sesame free) that I go shopping all the time.
You’d be wrong.

I try to make my time between shopping trips last as long as possible, and with Corice’s new school schedule, I just can’t make it to the store most of the week.  That and my mom comes to babysit about once a week and I usually take advantage of her ability to run to the store (and she’s got better produce and prices where she lives).  What can I say?  I aim for maximization.

I stepped in to Kroger this morning and almost immediately had to exercise self-control.  They were carrying The Better Chip.  But I can’t be trusted with a bag of the Sweet Corn, so I kept walking.  The next thing I saw was a variety of gluten-free granolas.  In this store, the natural foods section is between the door and the produce, which was where I was truly headed.  But how can I pass up some awesome granola on sale?  As I turned the corner, I noticed a whole bunch of Simply Lays marked gluten-free.  This was news to me (but about time).  They were also on sale, but I abstained.  Turn around and I see 10 different boxes of gluten-free frozen waffles from 3 different companies (including one of Kroger’s newer house brands).  TEN.  I remember the first time I ever saw ONE box of gluten-free frozen waffles (and then it disappeared for a year).

If you like new and funky flavors, there are even things for you.  Maple Bacon potato chips, anyone?Lots of Gluten Free!

We are headed places, my friends.  And why is that?  It’s because we are speaking out: telling our friends, family, and doctors about Celiac Disease and gluten intolerance; purchasing more and more gluten-free items; demanding better taste and texture.

I think they’re listening.  Keep up the good work.



