Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Happy Celiac Awareness Month!!

It’s May, and that means all things Celiac!  This is the month we tell everybody about us and we find new products to make our tummies happy.  And sometimes fat.  But happy.

Fear not, those of you who thought I died.  Between losing my father, getting pregnant and having a baby, teaching at the university, homeschooling, my mom trying to move…you get the point.  But I’m still alive, and Carter and Corice want me to get back to blogging.  Martin and Braden, too – they all love trying new stuff.  Especially when it’s sugary.

I want you to meet the newest member of the Delightfully Gluten Free team: miss Liberty Ann!


I know it’s a bit late, since she’s actually getting close to 5 months old, but better late than never, right?

I’ve actually had a number of emails come through with awesome sounding review opportunities, but I didn’t want to answer until I knew I could bring myself to sit down and write again.

Let’s start with a huge shout out to Glutino!  They had a bunch of cool products out for Christmas that I never got around to telling you about (candy cane yogurt pretzels, snowflake pancakes…).  Some of their cool new products include pretzel chips, buffalo pretzels, and salted caramel pretzels.

Say what?salted-caramel-pretzels

I guess I had been imagining something gooier, but these are basically the same texture as the chocolate or yogurt covered pretzels.

Have you ever eaten your way through a bag of butterscotch chips?  No?  Me, neither,  Not all the way, at least.  The flavor of these reminds me of somewhere between a caramel and butterscotch.  Maybe it’s the texture that does it, or the butteriness of the pretzels.  The salt on top really adds a new dimension to the flavor.

Corice didn’t pay attention to what I was giving her.  “The chocolate sort of tastes like caramel.”

“Want more.” speaketh my 3-year old niece Rozlynn.

Um, no.  This is my bag.  Get your own.  Or, more truthfully, I ate most of the bag within the last two weeks and only left enough to blog about.

Much like Braden and the peppermint ones.  He opened the bag without telling me.

He left me six.

Teenagers.  <Sigh>

Speaking of teenagers, did you know the Gluten Intolerance Group has created a new program called Generation GF for kids, teens, and young adults?  Check it out to help some young people in your life.








One response to “Happy Celiac Awareness Month!!”

  1. Linda Pickett Avatar
    Linda Pickett

    Hey Cassandra! Great article here & of course great photos! Glad to see you found time for yourself . You go girl !
    Enjoy Mothers Day with your beautiful family – and of course YOUR MOM