Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Category: Awareness Campaigns

  • Food Allergy Awareness Week

    May 12-18 marks Food Allergy Awareness Week, created by the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (now called FARE – Food Allergy Research & Education).  This year’s focus is on a growing problem: food allergy bullying. One-third of children with food allergies are bullied because of it (with the food they are allergic to).  I have…

  • Free Interactive Guide to Gluten-Free Living

    To celebrate National Celiac Disease Awareness Month, the Gluten Intolerance Group and Delicious Living have teamed up to provide you with a free interactive Guide to Gluten-Free Living. This short but information-packed guide provides facts about Celiac Disease and Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity, a shopper’s guide, kitchen tips, and recipes. Get yours today, and share it…

  • Rudi’s Gluten-Free Summer Camp Scholarships

    I just received the following press release and wanted to give you and your children as much time as possible to prepare. Rudi’s Gluten-Free is giving away scholarships to Gluten-Free summer camps.  During the month of May, National Celiac Awareness Month, they are accepting applications and essays from children about what going to a gluten-free…

  • National Celiac Awareness Month

    Happy National Celiac Awareness Month! As I was pounding out my frustrations on the treadmill this morning (it’s the end of the semester…), I was thinking about the differences between when I first went gluten-free over 9 years ago and now.  The change is astonishing! What has led to this great change? In 2003, Dr.…

  • Sign the White House Petition

    If you haven’t done so already, we NEED your voice to help convince Obama to sign the ruling and finalize standards for gluten-free.  We have been waiting for this for over 4 years!!  This was supposed to have been done by August 2008. Below is the text for the petition.  Please sign it today, and…