Category: Awareness Campaigns
Food Allergy Awareness Week
May 12-18 marks Food Allergy Awareness Week, created by the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (now called FARE – Food Allergy Research & Education). Â This year’s focus is on a growing problem: food allergy bullying. One-third of children with food allergies are bullied because of it (with the food they are allergic to). Â I have…
Free Interactive Guide to Gluten-Free Living
To celebrate National Celiac Disease Awareness Month, the Gluten Intolerance Group and Delicious Living have teamed up to provide you with a free interactive Guide to Gluten-Free Living. This short but information-packed guide provides facts about Celiac Disease and Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity, a shopper’s guide, kitchen tips, and recipes. Get yours today, and share it…
Rudi’s Gluten-Free Summer Camp Scholarships
I just received the following press release and wanted to give you and your children as much time as possible to prepare. Rudi’s Gluten-Free is giving away scholarships to Gluten-Free summer camps. Â During the month of May, National Celiac Awareness Month, they are accepting applications and essays from children about what going to a gluten-free…
National Celiac Awareness Month
Happy National Celiac Awareness Month! As I was pounding out my frustrations on the treadmill this morning (it’s the end of the semester…), I was thinking about the differences between when I first went gluten-free over 9 years ago and now. Â The change is astonishing! What has led to this great change? In 2003, Dr.…
Sign the White House Petition
If you haven’t done so already, we NEED your voice to help convince Obama to sign the ruling and finalize standards for gluten-free. We have been waiting for this for over 4 years!! This was supposed to have been done by August 2008. Below is the text for the petition. Please sign it today, and…