Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Category: Celiac/GF News

  • Sign the White House Petition

    If you haven’t done so already, we NEED your voice to help convince Obama to sign the ruling and finalize standards for gluten-free.  We have been waiting for this for over 4 years!!  This was supposed to have been done by August 2008. Below is the text for the petition.  Please sign it today, and…

  • Food Allergy Conference for Restaurateurs

    If you know a chef, restaurant owner or manager that needs to become or would like to become more knowledgeable about food allergies, you might want to point them in the direction of the upcoming Food Allergy Conference for Restaurateurs. Following is the press release: AllergyEats Presents The Inaugural Food Allergy Conference for Restaurateurs: What…

  • Upcoming GF News Segment

    Coming up tomorrow, October 4th, at 10pm (9C), on NBC’s “Rock Center with Brian Williams,” will be a segment on the gluten-free diet and why it is the food boogeyman. I am interested to see what the full report covers.  So many of the celebrities that go gluten-free these days have no idea why they…

  • Kosherfest

    For those of you that are near the New Jersey area, Kosherfest ’12 is coming up soon.  There is a lecture on “Meeting the Special Needs of the Kosher Consumer,” part of which is about gluten-free.  Our house is VERY much looking forward to Passover because of the great variety of gluten-free (and soy- and…

  • GFAF Expo / Rudi’s Giveaway

    Back to School, Back to School… Week one is complete for us.  Braden is back to taking his lunches, and now that he is in middle school (eek!), he has decided that it is his responsibility to pack his own (and his brother’s!) lunches.  That’s especially good news for me, since I have classes to…