Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Category: Uncategorized

  • Melissa’s Meatloaf

    I realized a few days ago that it had been ages since I’d last made meatloaf. So long, in fact, that I have no idea what recipe I had used as the base (I know I had added ingredients). Lean ground beef was on sale the other day, and I bought a bunch, so I…

  • Product Development Survey

    Did you know that there are people researching and developing gluten-free products who aren’t even food manufacturers? Down at Texas A&M, my friend Sara Boswell is constantly busy creating better gluten-free products.  She is a cereal chemist graduate student.  Oh yeah, and she has celiac disease.  She and her mother have been living gluten-free for…

  • Don’t Get Discouraged

    Sometimes the kitchen just gets you down.  I think it happens to everyone from time to time.  Currently, it is happening to me. A few weeks ago, I made a cake for my dad’s birthday.  Something very strange happened.  Even though I had made that exact recipe hundreds of times (literally), it didn’t work.  My…

  • Oikos Organic Greek Yogurt and a Sweepstakes

    What do you like about yogurt?  Do you want it thick and creamy, or do you like the watered down versions?  Do you want it full of high fructose corn syrup, or lightly sweetened with natural sugar (or are you a plain yogurt person)? Stonyfield Farm has brought us a new treat: Oikos Organic Greek…

  • Celiac Patient Survey

    Please take a few minutes to complete this patient survey.  I’m pretty sure it was put out by the University of Colorado. It does have the option for “stool test” under diagnosis, so don’t be deterred if you don’t have a technical diagnosis.  Just write in the box if it is different. Thank you.  Everytime…