Category: Uncategorized
Watch For These New Products
(Scroll down for an update – March 25, 2009) Were you so darn excited when Rice Chex went gluten-free? Were you dancing in the aisles that you could buy cereal at just about any grocery store and use a coupon? Did you write to General Mills and tell them you were so grateful and wanted…
Cookware for a Gluten-Free Lifestyle
The good people at wrote the following article for you (my comments follow in Italics). Cookware for a Gluten-Free Lifestyle Anyone that has been diagnosed with a food related allergy understands that the smallest trace of that particular ingredient can result in a number of painful or uncomfortable circumstances. For this reason, it’s vital…
I Spy “Gluten Free”
Cottage cheese is a staple food in our house. Awhile back, I found that I prefer the taste of the Kroger brand. I just happened to be finishing off a carton (therefore eating out of the carton), when I saw a little sign I had not seen before. There is a little wheel with segments…
2009 GIG Conference
It has been rare, the last few weeks, that my arms and/or lap have been empty for any length of time. Braden, Carter, and Corice just keep passing their sicknesses around. In fact, I just managed to get Carter off my left leg, but I am still feeding Corice, lol. Don not fear, for I…
New Product – El Monterrey Taquitos
Updated 8/2015: I have not seen these gluten-free in years. While shopping at Costco today, I wandered through a freezer aisle, tagging along behind my mom (we went together and took a friend). I saw two boxes of El Monterrey taquitos, with NEW splashed on the front. Corn? Oh how nice. I was skeptical, but…