Category: Uncategorized
The Grumpy Gourmet
To all you foodies out there, my friend Tara has started up a forum (and I’ll be helping her moderate it, in the oodles of free time I have, lol). It is called The Grumpy Gourmet. It’s not all about gluten-free food, but a lot of the regulars will probably be gf folks. There are…
Some Items of Note
Just a few things I wanted to mention about various products. Remember, always read labels. I have been buying the Wal-Mart Great Value canned beans for awhile (like all varieties of plain canned beans), as they said gluten-free. Well, lo and behold, they no longer say gluten-free on them, but now have the facility with…
Return of the Peanut Noodles
If you’ve been hanging out with me a long while, you may recall the Ode to My Peanut Noodles, wherein I expressed my deep concern that my favorite peanut noodles were no longer gluten-free. Shortly thereafter, I received a reply from the company, which greatly relieved my sadness. Well, Happy Day! While shopping at Wally…
What a Find!
There I was, yesterday, in my early pregnancy misery, and I ran out of cereal. Not totally out, but out of all that I could stomach. I had to go to the store – cereal has become very important lately. I drove the half hour to a salvage health food store that I frequent. The…
Bid on Fasano
So, I know you are all coming to the GIG educational conference in June, right? Well, it just so happens that yours truly brought about an astonishing idea. I’ll let Cynthia Kupper take the credit for actually implementing it, though. At our banquet, on the Saturday night of the conference, we will be auctioning off…