Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Category: Uncategorized

  • Happy Birthday Carter!

    My little man is 5 years old today.  My, how time flies. To celebrate, Corice and I took mini cupcakes to Carter’s Pre-Kindergarten class.  They were quite the hit, especially with the teachers.  (It was the soft yellow cake cornstarch-based recipe from You Won’t Believe It’s Gluten-Free.) We even did a little bit of celiac…

  • Giveaway Winner – Living Gluten Free for Dummies

    According to, our giveaway winner for the Living Gluten Free for Dummies book is commenter #10.  Congratulations, Jennifer C!

  • Gluten-Free During the Japanese Tsunami

    I am often emailed press releases, and don’t very often share them.  I would, however, like to share this one with you, especially since Sara and I are working on our emergency preparedness series.  While there’s really not much you can do to prepare for a tsunami that sends your entire town 30 feet or…

  • Gluten-Free Disaster Preparedness Part 1

    Hello Everyone, Living a gluten-free lifestyle can be complicated enough some days, however when it comes to natural disasters it is critical that your gluten-free family be prepared for anything that may occur. Whether it is hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, wildfires, or tornados, having a disaster preparedness plan can help keep your family safe and well…

  • An Open Letter to Meghan Casserly

    I rarely discuss personal stories of when I was diagnosed, due to the belief that I should choose to remember the happier times in my life, rather than dwell on the depressing incidents that have happened to me. Today is a rare exception due to an article by Meghan Casserly posted on Forbes. This is…