A couple of weeks ago, I received some Thai Curry Chicken Soup from Kettle

So this Thai Curry soup… it tastes a lot like my chicken curry, which I absolutely love. It’s a little sweet and a little spicy, with chunks of veggies, chicken, and rice. The curry flavor is nicely accented by a garlic chili pepper sauce. Compared to a number of soups I’ve had lately, it actually has quite a bit of “stuff” in it (as opposed to being mostly broth).
The Thai Curry Chicken Soup is dairy free, but has a very creamy taste and feel, due to the natural creamed coconut. You do get 4g fiber and 13g protein from this bowl of soup, but also 11g fat. From where I’m sitting, it appears most of the fat is probably from the coconut (have I ever mentioned that I love coconut?). It’s also all natural and minimally processed.
All you need to eat this is a microwave, 3 minutes of your time, and a spoon. Voila!
And to keep us all safe, this product is certified gluten-free through the GFCO.
I wanted to share a few of my tweets about Kettle Cuisine’s soups from Expo West, but then I realized I only had one, lol. Honestly, there were so many products (and it was so busy, and I was busy on GFCO business) that there was no way for me to make a detailed account of each thing I tried. So, tweets it was!
Met Lorna @gfsoupmom at @KettleCuisine! Awesome New England Clam Chowder and Chicken Chili with White Beans! #gf #expowest
2 responses to “Kettle Cuisine Thai Curry Chicken Soup”
FYI thought i would pass thing along
Hooray! It was so nice to meet everyone, I’m so happy to hear you like the soup.. Thanks for all of your support!
Please disregard the above comment, I was trying to pass it along to the team at Kettle. 🙂
Thanks again and we look forward to sharing more soup in the future! 🙂