Category: Awareness Campaigns
Danna Korn Speaks to DelightfullyGlutenFree
I agree wholeheartedly with Danna about children. I have, in fact, met some young adults that had no idea how to handle being gluten-free, even though they had been so for years. I cannot stress enough that you should never ever ever allow your child’s gluten-free lifestyle (or anyone else’s) seem like a burden. Unfortunately,…
DDW 2011
It’s Cassandra again, for the moment. I just wanted to pop in and let you know things are going well. Today was the first day of the Digestive Disease Week exhibits. We didn’t really get a lot of traffic down on “Foundation Row”, but perhaps it will pick up. I got to speak to physicians…
Look Out Gastros!
Tomorrow morning, I head to Chicago! I’ve never been there before, but that’s not what excites me the most. I am going to represent The Gluten Intolerance Group at Digestive Disease Week! DDW is “the world’s largest gathering of physicians and researchers in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology, endoscopy, and gastrointestinal surgery.” Yep, those are…
Rudi’s GF Buns and Pizza Crust
We’re a few days in to National Celiac Awareness Month. Have you made it a point to tell people about Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance? Have you shared some great gluten-free food with someone new? Mambo Sprouts, marketing with the health, natural, and organic product consumer in mind, is celebrating Celiac Awareness Month. If you…
May is National Celiac Awareness Month! Tell your friends, your coworkers, people you randomly pass on the streets. Try introducing people to what Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance means, and the dangers, for us, of not keeping a strict gluten-free diet. For more information, check out