Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Category: Celiac/GF News

  • Take Action for Celiac Disease

    We need to speak up and be heard. Vanessa Maltin posted today about new legislation that has been introduced to ban insurance companies from denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions. Andrea Levario asked that I pass this along: Students with Celiac Disease Need Your Help ASK Congress Reimburse Schools for Special Diets It’s time…

  • GIG Chef to Plate Awareness Campaign

    Chef  to Plate National Awareness Campaign Celebrating Restaurants Serving Up Gluten-Free Awareness May 3, 2009 Endorsed by: GlutenFree Passport Gluten-Free on the Go Participating Restaurants – Watch for listing GIG launches a national awareness campaign for gluten-free living, through the restaurants that support persons living with gluten intolerances. Why: To provide…

  • Delight GF Magazine

    Have you gotten your copy?  Are you totally excited?  I am. I’m talking about a brand new gluten-free magazine with beautiful full-color photographs throughout.  And do you know what makes it extra-special?  I have the great privilege of helping create this masterpiece (just a tiny bit).  You have no idea how excited I was/am to…

  • GF Food Manufacturers?

    I have been reading lately.  A lot.  It is a Christmas gift I gave myself.  Unfortunately, the time that I have spent reading is when I would usually be doing some blogging.  I’m halfway through Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra, and I think it’s the last book that I have to consume for…

  • Tell Whole Foods How You Feel

    Whole Foods is currently conducting a survey about special diets.  Please take a few minutes to do the survey (it’s pretty short). In the comments section, make sure you tell them to get their products certified with GFCO.  This is our chance! Take the survey.  (I don’t know how long it will last.)