Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Category: Celiac/GF News

  • James is Famous

    Okay, maybe not quite famous.  But he is in an article in Newsweek about Celiac Disease. Who is James?  (I know most of you are wondering.)  James is a fun little guy.  He’s 11, and he greets everybody with a smiling face each month at our support group meetings, and escorts the newly diagnosed to…

  • Letter Campaign – Please Join Me

    I have known, for quite some time, that there are products marked “gluten-free” on the shelves that do not meet the standards of the GFCO, and really should not be labeled as gluten-free at all.  However, until now, I had not known any specific names of products (other than the Deland and Sami’s Bakery breads…

  • GF & Allergen Problems

    There is a really interesting article found at The Chicago Tribune. Read this, and you will want to read the rest of the article: “Gluten found in ‘gluten-free’ products The Tribune bought three popular Wellshire Farms products advertised as “gluten free” and sent multiple samples to a lab for testing. Chicken Bites: Tested at 204…

  • Some Exciting News

    You know that Dr. Fasano at the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research is working very hard to find another way to treat, or even prevent Celiac Disease.  Well, it appears there is some more hope on the horizon, not just for those with Celiac Disease, but potentially for all autoimmune disorders. This article…