Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Category: GF Education

  • Hamburger Helper No GF Options Anymore

    You may have seen awhile back, and even tried, the Hamburger Helper meals that were labeled gluten-free (chicken fried rice, beef fried rice, and a cheesy hashbrown).  Be advised that the meals will not be gluten-free anymore, due to production changes. The following is an excerpt that I received in a leadership email: We regret…

  • “Living Gluten-Free for Dummies” Giveaway

    To go along with yesterday’s video interview with Danna Korn, I have a copy of Living Gluten-Free for Dummies, 2nd edition, by Danna Korn to giveaway! This book was sent to me by the PR firm in charge of the video interviews, and came a bit too late for me to include it with that…

  • Danna Korn Speaks to DelightfullyGlutenFree

    I agree wholeheartedly with Danna about children. I have, in fact, met some young adults that had no idea how to handle being gluten-free, even though they had been so for years. I cannot stress enough that you should never ever ever allow your child’s gluten-free lifestyle (or anyone else’s) seem like a burden. Unfortunately,…

  • Look Out Gastros!

    Tomorrow morning, I head to Chicago!  I’ve never been there before, but that’s not what excites me the most.  I am going to represent The Gluten Intolerance Group at Digestive Disease Week!  DDW is “the world’s largest gathering of physicians and researchers in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology, endoscopy, and gastrointestinal surgery.”  Yep, those are…

  • Giveaway Extravaganza – Part 4

    Tomorrow morning, the North Texas Gluten Intolerance group will be having our monthly support group meeting.  Instead of a speaker, however, we will be getting ready for the Gluten-Free Makeover event.  So come help us, if you can, put together the final touches.  If that’s not a good enough reason for you, The Mellow Mushroom…