Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Category: Uncategorized

  • I’ve Been Featured!

    In May, I was featured on the blog as one of the “50 Best Blogs For Going Gluten-Free.”  Pretty cool, huh?

  • Kroger Cottage Cheese Not GF

    Somehow, this post disappeared.  I don’t know how. At any rate, I had called Kroger on July 7th about their ibuprofen (which is gluten-free).  When the dietitian called me back the next morning, she wanted to make sure I knew about the cottage cheese, which I had posted about last year as having the words…

  • You Really Like Me

    You like me, you really like me!  (Is anyone else seeing Larry the Cucumber prepping a speech?) Back in May and June, hosted the 2010 Top Allergy Blog Awards.  If you didn’t know about it, don’t worry.  I never told anyone.  It just wasn’t something I had the capacity to deal with at the…

  • Recall – DeBoles Kids Only! Gluten-Free Pasta

    From the FDA website: Recall — Firm Press Release FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers, the media, and other interested parties. FDA does not endorse either the product or the company. DeBoles® Nutritional Foods, Inc. Voluntarily Recalls One Lot Code…

  • A Fresh Perspective

    I feel that I need to apologize to you, my readers, for my unexplained absence these last two months, and the lack of my normal vibrant content. We have been going through some very life-changing *stuff* for awhile now.  It was just too hard for me to put on a happy face and write about…