Category: 2008 GIG Conference
Enjoy Life Trail Mix
One of the many treats I brought home from the conference was a bag of Enjoy Life trail mix, specifically Not Nuts! Mountain Mambo. It is also free of nuts and dairy, and a variety of other things (including sulfites). But it is not free of taste, lol. I think this is a very tasty…
Dr. Steve Wangen – Non-CD Gluten Intolerance
Dr. Steve Wangen spoke on a very important topic at the GIG Conference, that of Testing for Non-Celiac Gluten Intolerance. Many of you have a gluten intolerance that may not be Celiac Disease. We are only just beginning to understand the differences, and have a long way to go. Cynthia Kupper and GIG also understand…
Dr. Hottie, I Mean, Fasano
No, I don’t have a crush on him, but I know women who do. 🙂 I told you awhile back that we would be auctioning off breakfast with Dr. Fasano at the GIG conference. Well, we did. It was a lot of fun watching (and participating in) the auction. The final bid – $875. Go,…
Dr. Michelle Pietzak
This was actually the one talk that I was able to listen to during the whole conference (aside from Fasano’s at the banquet). Dr. Pietzak’s talk was entitled “Life Lessons from Celiac Pediatrics” and followed along the lines of the book All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. What was the first…
Dr. Megan Tichy
Are any of you confused about the proposed FDA definition of “gluten-free” and what 20 ppm really means? Megan Tichy, Ph.D., a lecturer from Texas A&M University, and support group leader in Bryan/College Station, was “Making Sense of Science” at the GIG Conference. She has been gracious enough to share her presentation with us. The…