Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Category: Desserts

  • S’moreritos

    Sometimes I just want a really quick dessert.  As I was thinking about the tortillas from yesterday’s post (don’t forget about the giveaway), I had planned to use a Rudi’s Plain Tortilla with some honey for a quick pick-me-up.  As I stuck it in the skillet to warm (I had them in the freezer), however,…

  • Muffin Tin Chef

    Have you ever had some piece of kitchen equipment that you thought you should use more often?  I have.  Heck, I’ve even got kitchen equipment I’ve never used. I recently received a copy of Muffin Tin Chef from the publishers, and found that the author, dietitian Matt Kadey, had a similar experience.  His began as…

  • GF Oatmeal Cinnamon Chips Cookies

    I made these cookies the other day, and I was extremely pleased with them (a bit too much, if you know what I mean).  A number of people have asked for the recipe, so here it is.  It comes from the back of the Hershey’s Cinnamon Chips bag, or you can find it at the…

  • Gluten-Free Holiday Cooking Class Online

    Have you ever wanted to attend one of those fancy gluten-free cooking classes but just didn’t have the time or money to do it? Fear not, Kinnikinnick is hosting a holiday cooking class online! Note, if you can’t read the menu because of the font size, please click on it and zoom (click to open…

  • Pumpkin Honey Spice Cookies

    I received this recipe from the National Honey Board, and decided to try it out.  We LOVE pumpkin, and I love the flavor that honey gives to baked goods, so it seemed like a great thing to do today with the boys out of school early.  We loved these cookies!  They weren’t too sweet (at…