Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Category: GF Education

  • Gluten-Free Makeover

    I’ll write more about it later, but to whet your appetite, here’s the press release: Local Chefs Present First Taste of Gluten-Free Event in the US Southlake, Texas, (August 30, 2010)- The North Texas Gluten Intolerance Group (NTGIG) and Gaylord Texan proudly announce the first ever “Taste of Gluten-Free” dining experience coming Sunday, September 19th,…

  • Going Gluten-Free with WIC

    Sometimes you just need a little help, especially with the way things are lately.  But if you’ve ever looked at the cereals available with WIC, you may have been a little perturbed to see that there are no gluten-free options. Ah, but there are (at least in Texas) – they just don’t generally tell you…

  • Zeer Select – New Service for Gluten-Free

    Updated 7/13/09:  Promo code for 30-day free trial before the press release (scroll down a bit). I had the opportunity to meet with a member of Zeer at the GIG conference last month.  I was very excited to hear about this new service they are launching today. Zeer Select is a new service for people…

  • Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance

    I have seen Cynthia Kupper, national director of the Gluten Intolerance Group of North America, give this presentation on the differences in gluten intolerances a few times.  She created this video for me to share with you.  I have been trying and trying to get it uploaded somewhere, and I have finally succeeded (after a…

  • GF in the Hospital

    The Gluten Intolerance Group of North America (GIG) has added a new consumer handout to their website for you to download – free. The new publication “Hospital Stays Made Safe” provides a quick explanation of the needs of a GF patient and includes specific information to be given to the various caregivers who might have…