Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Category: Uncategorized

  • PF Changs Winner

    Congratulations to Aileen (chosen by, you are the winner of the $25 gift card to P.F. Chang’s to try out the new gluten-free menu!

  • PF Chang’s New GF Menu & Giveaway

    In case you didn’t see my tweet on Saturday, P.F. Chang’s launched a new gluten-free menu today. A representative from P.F. Chang’s came to the North Texas Gluten Intolerance Group’s meeting, and brought a ton of lettuce wraps for us. I love Chang’s lettuce wraps. Well, if you’ve always gotten the same thing(s), now you…

  • Time to Prep for Easter

    It’s that time again… another candy-filled holiday is on its way.  For those of us with food issues, the few weeks before the holiday is the time for checking the  labels in the stores. In those few rare moments that I’ve been in the store by myself and not in a hurry, I have looked…

  • Box Tops for Education and a Giveaway

    A couple of weeks ago, I went at my  usual time to help in one of the second grade classes at Braden’s school.  Due to some changes in schedules that day, I ended up working in the office instead.  I had an interesting chat with one of the office staff about Box Tops for Education. …

  • Make My Party Gluten-Free!

    I had this terrible realization the other day, that I had never shared about Corice’s first birthday party.  I feel like such a slacker mom (you’d probably think so if you’ve seen my nearly-abandoned family blog). Throwing a gluten-free party is not hard.  No one will even miss the gluten. While a cake is generally…