Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Category: Uncategorized

  • Sale on Glutino Pretzels

    Elizabeth Barbone led me to this sale at today.  You can get Glutino pretzels for 40% off.  If you haven’t bought gluten-free groceries before from Amazon, then let me warn you that you will be buying in bulk.  But the great thing is that their prices are pretty good, you get free shipping (with…

  • New Chips

    My family is always on the lookout for those golden words: gluten-free.  We recently found them on some new chips; Grande tortilla chips, distributed by Snyder’s of Hanover. I found them at Kroger.  There were three kinds at my store: restaurant style, lightly salted, and salsa limon.  The salsa limon have an odd flavor that…

  • More Book Sale News

    North Texas Gluten Intolerance Group’s book sale continues.  We are putting some books up on Ebay now.  Check it out.  We will probably be adding some more, too. Andy has now packed the books under the kids’ beds, because he got tired of having them in our bedroom.  So buy some books.  🙂

  • Happy (Very Late) Thanksgiving

    I hope everyone had a wonderful gluten-free Thanksgiving. We had quite a bit of sickness flowing around. One of the most true jokes in our family is that the children always get sick or hurt when Andy is at the fire station. This time was no exception. Braden missed out on the last day before…

  • Book Sale at NTXGIG

    North Texas Gluten Intolerance Group is having a book sale! When planning book sales for a conference of over 350 people, it’s really hard to judge how many of each book to buy.  We ran out of some books, and hardly sold some others.  And then there were the ones that we just had too…