Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Category: Uncategorized

  • GF Flour Mixes

    I realized, thanks to a reader’s comments, that I have never actually written a flour mix recipe up in a separate post.  After being gluten-free for awhile, you tend to forget that not everybody knows what “GF flour mix” means, lol.  Do not despair, I will share. GF Flour Mix (the basic Bette Hagman mix)…

  • Free Triumph Dining Card

    I received an email from Kelly at Triumph Dining today.  Triumph wants to raise awareness for celiac disease and the gluten-free diet and raise money for awareness at the same time.  How are they planning to accomplish that? Through the end of August, Triumph is giving away free American Cuisine dining cards.  (You can opt…

  • Pizza Crust with Montina

    I love pizza, especially chicken spinach alfredo pizza. When you are counting carbs and on a gluten-free diet, things like pizza can become a little scary. In order to reduce the carbs a bit, and add more fiber, I substituted in some Montina flour and a little Splenda in this pizza crust recipe from Roben…

  • FDA’s Gluten-Free Labeling Information

    The following is a letter from Andrea Levario, Executive Director of the American Celiac Disease Alliance.  Please read it so that you will have the correct information, and share with those that may have the incorrect information.  Thank you. Last week, information was reported, which has now circulated among groups, and in blog-posts, that the…

  • Learning to Cope

    Finding out I was gluten-intolerant was not “the end of the world” for me, like it seems to be with some people. I never spent any time grieving, being angry or in denial, or any of that. It was a miracle to me to find out what was wrong and be able to easily fix…