Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Category: Uncategorized

  • Waffles for Christmas

    I got a swanky new Krups waffle maker for Christmas, and used it to feed my hungry family on Christmas Eve (including my parents, my brothers and families). They quickly finished off the first triple batch of waffles(!), and left me with only a few from the second triple batch (and there were only 8…

  • Cookie, Cookie, Cookie Starts with “C”

    It’s Christmastime, and that means it’s Cookie Time. Of course there will be loads of brownies, and there is already Daddy’s Peanut Brittle, and a few Orange Dreamsicle Cookies left in the freezer. But we need some special Christmas cookies. This post will have some tips for baking cookies. The actual recipes came from The…

  • A Homemade Christmas

    All the gift buying really upsets me around this time. Not because we’re giving, but because people expect us to buy them gifts, and the pressure we feel to spend money on others. Me, I’d rather spend time on others. I want to give a gift that says “I like you. I think about you.…

  • New (to me) GF chips

    While shopping at our local grocery store one day, Andy announces he’s tired of Mission Tortilla Chips, and asks what else I can have. Now, I don’t eat any of the Lay’s stuff except the Stax (dedicated lines), because I have been glutened on at least 2 separate occasions from their tortilla chips. Two times,…

  • C is for Cookie

    That’s Good Enough For Me!I have a riddle for you. What do you get when you tell your sugar-crazed husband to put small drops of dough on the cookie sheet? Answer:That’s right. One really huge cookie. Actually, three; three really huge cookies. I should have gotten 72 cookies out of that doubled batch, but instead,…