Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Category: Uncategorized

  • Settling In

    You may have noticed that I was silent for awhile.  Moving to a new city, starting graduate school, and getting married (all within the space of 8 days) was a lot on my plate all at once (plus a HUGE project for work).  Now, all the boxes are unpacked, we’re settled in to our roles…

  • Taste of Home, Mrs. Holiday

    The following press release is something that came through my email that I thought I should share with you.  If I wasn’t so busy, I might be inclined to enter. Why am I sharing it with you?  I think it would be AWESOME if Taste of Home was flooded with entries from people who cook…

  • A Gigantic Announcement

    You may recall me telling you that we have some really big changes coming up in our lives this summer.  I start grad school in a two weeks, then we move to another city (to be closer to school) the following week.  Braden will be starting middle school in the fall (eek, gads!) and will…

  • Old Foods Now Gluten-Free

    It’s always good to see old mainstream foods that weren’t gluten-free now being gluten-free. I got on to my mom once last summer when she’d bought some Quaker rice cakes.  “Mom, you know those aren’t gluten-free!” “They say gluten-free on the package.”   And they did. Something similar happened to me today. Wouldn’t you know it,…

  • Healthy Gluten-Free Eating

    This is a guest post brought to us by Julia Wisniewski. Julia Wisniewski lives with Fibromyaglia and blogs regularly for Bready, the gluten free bread machine about her experiences with gluten free living and FM pain.   Living Healthy While Remaining Gluten Free So you already know that you have to eliminate gluten from your…