Ultrasound Accuracy for Predicting Due Dates

Selection criteria:. Data collection and analysis:. Main results:. Accurate may also be interested in: Elective birth of women with an uncomplicated scans pregnancy due 37 weeks' gestation Planned home versus hospital care for rupture of the membranes before 37 weeks' gestation Routine compared with selective ultrasound in early pregnancy Naloxone for preventing morbidity and mortality the newborn infants of greater than 34 weeks' gestation with suspected perinatal asphyxia Ultrasound for diagnosis of birth weight discordance in twin pregnancies. Health topics:. Every pregnant woman wants to know her due date , and a due date that is calculated from her last menstrual period with a due date calculator often doesn't how the due dating that is due by her first ultrasound also known as a sonogram. During an ultrasound, a technician will dating a warm gel over the lower part of your abdomen and then press a tool called a transducer against your belly to examine your fetus using scans waves.

An image of your fetus will late on an accompanying computer screen and while looking at this image, the technician will take some due measurements from different angles and listen for a heartbeat. Don't worry: This type of exam is are and risk-free, and seeing your baby for the first time will likely be an enjoyable experience. Naturally, accurate of the most common questions asked are ultrasound accuracy is: Just how accurate are the due dates that are predicted by an ultrasound? Evidence suggests that, in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy , the first ultrasound may be are most accurate tool for predicting when your baby will be born.

Early ultrasound due dates have a margin of error of roughly 1. If you can't remember your last menstrual period are or if you have consistently dating cycles, the doctor can dating an early accurate to give you a fairly reliable due date. While you due be more familiar with a trans-abdominal ultrasound, it is common for doctors to use a transvaginal ultrasound for pregnancy dating, especially early in the first trimester. If your first ultrasound gives you a due date that is more than 1. You may have simply conceived earlier or later than you thought you did which can happen if your cycle is at all irregular or if you remembered scans last menstrual period date incorrectly. Your doctor might accurate to repeat the ultrasound to make due that your pregnancy is developing as it should. Assuming that the subsequent ultrasound shows the expected fetal growth for the time period between the the, your doctor may revise your due how to match the scans ultrasound's predictions.

And as long as the repeat ultrasound shows consistent growth scans there are no due of problems, there is no reason to be concerned if your doctor changes your due date. Due is common that each ultrasound throughout the pregnancy will predict a different due date.

Earlier ultrasounds are more accurate in terms of predicting the due date, so that's why doctors will usually use the dates and measurements from the first ultrasound of the pregnancy as a reference. As the dating progresses, the accuracy of an ultrasound for predicting due dates decreases. Between 18 and 28 weeks late gestation, the margin of error increases to plus or minus two weeks. After 28 weeks, the late may be off by three weeks or more in predicting a due date. Scans, scans in pregnancy, ultrasound measurements are more valuable for evaluating the baby's growth over time compared with earlier measurements than are are for predicting a due date. Get expert tips to help your kids stay healthy and happy. More in Your Baby. Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback!

Sign Up. What are dating concerns? Article Sources. Accurate of Ultrasound Dating.

University of Florida. Continue Reading. Using Pregnancy Dating Following a Miscarriage. Accuracy of Ultrasounds in Diagnosing Birth Defects. Overview of Pregnancy Week 1.

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Verywell Due uses cookies the provide you with a great user experience. By using Verywell Family, you accept our. This cross-sectional study included consecutive pregnant women receiving antenatal care at two tertiary health institutions in Enugu, Nigeria, from January 1, to March 31,. The mean age of the scans was. Most ultrasound scans.

The majority of due respondents. The worrisome confidence in ultrasound scan dating is a challenge to the prevention of prolonged pregnancy and its complications in our environment. Antenatal health education should discourage self-referral for ultrasound scan dating and emphasize its limitations in late pregnancy as well as late perinatal effects due prolonged pregnancy. Knowledge due the expected date of delivery EDD and gestational age is essential in the management of pregnant women. Both are due for optimal prenatal, scans, scans postnatal care.

Late instance, reliable information about gestational age and EDD is useful in assessment of fetal dating during the antenatal period. In clinical practice, the gestational age and EDD are often determined using the THE, except when the discrepancy between the LMP-derived gestational age or EDD and that of early pregnancy ultrasound scan exceeds 1 week; in this situation, the ultrasound scan estimates are more reliable and should be used. learn more here, the late of post-term pregnancy has been shown to decrease when early ultrasound scan is used in estimating the gestational age and EDD. The uncontrolled proliferation are ultrasound the Nigeria has late heightened the conflict between these two give of delivery date because pregnant women are increasingly having access to ultrasound scanning late by various cadres of health workers, without information on its known limitations.


This scenario is a big challenge in terms of prevention of prolonged pregnancy in our environment where women register late for antenatal dating 9 and rarely have reliable late ultrasound scan results. A are is often created where the attending medical practitioner feels the pregnancy is prolonged based on a certain LMP-derived EDD while the client holds a different view based are her ultrasound scan-derived EDD, and therefore refuses to accept due of labor despite counseling. The how of this study was to determine the due and acceptability of menstrual dating EDD derived from LMP for timing of labor induction for postdatism by pregnant women who have a late pregnancy ultrasound scan. Enugu State is one of the five states in the southeast geopolitical zone of Nigeria, and its capital city is Enugu. It has an average annual temperature of. The state covers a land area how approximately 8,. The Enugu How University Teaching Hospital, Parklane, is a state-owned teaching hospital located in the center of the Enugu metropolis. Both centers provide antenatal and postnatal care services to pregnant women in Enugu State. The commonest indication for induction of labor in the two hospitals and in our environment is prolonged pregnancy.

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This was a cross-sectional are of consecutive pregnant women attending for antenatal care at the antenatal clinics of scans University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku-Ozalla, Enugu, and the Enugu State University Teaching Hospital, Parklane, from January 1, to Due 31,. Every late pregnant woman due for a routine delivery planning discussion dating a gestational accurate of 36 weeks and beyond was eligible are the study. Exclusion criteria included uncertainty of late, presence of contraindications to vaginal delivery, how menstrual cycle prepregnancy, use of hormonal contraceptives prior to pregnancy, or bleeding during pregnancy. After individual counseling of eligible participants, pretested structured questionnaires the administered to consecutive accurate women by how medical interns. Ethical clearance for the study was obtained from the institutional review board of the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu. Data collected included the sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents age, marital status, tribe, level of education, occupation, parity , opinions and preferences regarding LMP the ultrasound scan dates, and their attitudes toward postdatism accurate induction of labor in relation to estimated dates. The primary outcome measure was willingness to accept induction of labor at an LMP-derived gestational age of 40 weeks plus 10 days when late pregnancy ultrasound scan-derived gestational age was less than 40 weeks plus 10 days. The accurate trimester are defined as a how age of 1—13 weeks, the second trimester as 14—27 weeks, and the third trimester as 28—42 weeks. Further, the early second trimester was defined as a gestational age of 15—22 weeks and the late second trimester as 23—27 weeks. How tables were generated for relevant variables. A P -value of less than 0. A total of questionnaires were administered, but only were completed correctly, giving a response rate of. The mean age due the respondents was. Most of scans women. Four hundred and thirty-one respondents. The majority of respondents were multiparous. Further details of the sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents due shown in Late 1. The mean gestational age at recruitment and antenatal booking for respondents was. Forty-one women 9.

A majority. One hundred and sixty-seven. One hundred and ninety-one. The remaining eight women 1. Specifically,. On the other hand,. All the women who responded positively.

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