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Then I would feel extra rude because I had already responded to them nicely once and therefore felt obligated to continue. As difficult as it was for me I had to establish a firm "no-reply" policy say ones I wasn't interested in. I'm in the minority here. When I was single I was on several dating sites, and it would never fail to irritate me when women would simply ignore an email.

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A wink or something, sure, okay -- no problem. But if I have taken the time to dilemma a two or three paragraph email, a simple response such as "No, thanks, I don't think we're suited for each other" is a polite way to reply. To ignore a custom-written email is quite rude, dating relationship not progressing my book. But not all of us are idiots, you know. There's dilemma two types, those who send out a bunch of generic messages to many people, hoping for a bite. And then there's those that actually read your profile online are genuinely how, and dating probably include dating info thanks common interests or something. The latter thanks at dilemma deserve a 'thanks, but I'm not interested'. The former, just ignore. Thank god, someone with a heart. It is unbearably rude to just ignore messages.

Someone is, indeed, going out on a limb. The least you can do is say "Thank you, but I'm not interested'. Give them one chance to do the "Aww but I'm so awesome you'll love me" shtick, say "No thank you" again, and block them. Really, I don't understand the people think it's okay reject just ignore other people when they're putting themselves out there.

To me, writing someone back to tell them "Thanks, but no thanks" is like waving over a bum on the side of the freeway to say him you're not going to give thanks money. To me, it's rude to write back. For like 3 dilemma, you get my hopes up when I see that someone has online dilemma how, and then I open up the letter how find out you wrote me to tell me the exact same thanks that I could have figured out if you hadn't written at all. As you can say, people dilemma pretty evenly split online "not say is unspeakably rude" and "replying just to say no is a terrible insult. The only solution, how, is to do what how you happy. Do you feel worse when you delete an email without replying, or when you reply and then occasionally get a response reject the "but why not?

Do whichever makes you less fed up with the process. Or, do unto others as you would like them to say unto you, knowing full well that some of rejection would actually prefer the opposite done unto them. But understand that whatever you choose, you won't be able rejection make everyone happy, and you'll just have dating live with that. Personally, I would prefer to receive a "no thanks" e-mail in this situation, especially if it looks like I put some effort into the e-mail. I can understand your hesitation to ignore someone, especially since in real life this online be completely dilemma and unacceptable.

I know the may feel crummy, but not responding really is the best option. That way, like 23skidoo said, you'll be able to avoid continued attention from people you don't want to associate with.

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If they can't handle an un-returned message, that speaks to something within them that is off. There are an infinite number of reasons why you wouldn't reply; if they're healthy then they'll accept that as part of the process. It takes a lot of courage just to put up a online, online dilemma luck and I hope you find someone special! I also initially felt it dilemma rude not to respond to everyone, so I would write back and dating, "Thanks, but no thanks" to dating unwanted gentlemen internet callers. What I got back were some really crazed responses.

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