Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Way Better Snacks, Spicy Sriracha & Mustard Onion

    Tortilla chips are a wonderful food.  Don’t you agree? We recently received some samples of the new chips to the Way Better Snacks tortilla chips line.  Their tortilla chips are certified gluten-free, non-GMO, and they use sprouted grains to give you the health benefits of the seeds.  If you don’t know much about sprouted grains, check…

  • The Toasted Oat – Coupon Code

    For those of you who were interested in trying out The Toasted Oat, they have sent me a coupon code for Delightfully Gluten Free readers.  Just enter GETURCANS in the coupon code box to receive 30% off merchandise (not including shipping) at Enjoy your granola.  I won’t tell if you hide some in your…

  • The Toasted Oat Granola

    It’s soft!  I haven’t had a soft granola since I was little.  I’d even forgotten people made granola that way. I recently received some samples from The Toasted Oat.  It is a certified gluten-free granola that has a great chew to it and makes a really great change to the variety of hard granolas.  The…

  • Crispy Green Fruit

    Freeze-dried fruits have got to be the best kind of dried fruits, at least in my opinion.  Though I do enjoy dehydrating fruits myself sometimes, they certainly have a different texture than freeze-dried, which has that airy crunch to it.  Freeze-dried fruits also sort of dissolve in your mouth if you suck on them.  🙂…

  • Tyrrell’s Hand-Cooked English Chips

    I love witty packaging, as long as the food inside is good, of course. Rumor has it that some of our peers in the chip world have been attempting to ‘jazz up’ their wares with things like MSG and something known as ‘disodium guanylate.’  Barbarians! Yep, the packaging for Tyrrell’s Hand-Cooked English Chips is a good…

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