Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Category: Awareness Campaigns

  • Celiac Awareness Month

    As Celiac Awareness Month draws to a close (in about 2 hours for me), I hope you have all had the opportunity to learn something new about celiac disease or living gluten-free, or taken the opportunity to share something about it with someone (hopefully lots of someones!). I had decided, prior to the month beginning,…

  • Newly Diagnosed Celiac Care Package

    While at Digestive Disease Week, I spent some time talking with the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center people.  I had heard about their care package program years ago, but it had slipped to the back of my mind.  I wanted to share it with you in case you or your child has been recently…

  • You’re a Ham, I’m a Ham…

    Okay, so I don’t know if you are or not. For a couple of years now, I have wanted to do a blog post about emergency preparedness, and just could never quite get it going.  Well, with all that has been going on the last couple of months, Sara and I have been talking about…

  • A Note for PR Firms

    Dear PR Firms/People, When you contact a gluten-free blogger and offer to send them gluten-free food for sampling/review, make sure that ALL of the food you send them is gluten-free. It has happened to me twice within the past month.  I have opened a box, care of a PR firm, to find that one or…

  • Dr. Fasano – A Quick Summary of CD, GF Diet

    If you want to show your friends a quick summary of what is celiac disease, gluten, the gluten-free diet, and gluten intolerance, have them watch this video of Dr. Alessio Fasano, the Director of the Center for Celiac Research at the University of Maryland. By the way, I ♥ Dr. Fasano.