Category: Awareness Campaigns
A Win for the Gluten-Free Community
Following on the heels of the so-called chef who bragged about feeding gluten pasta to his gluten-free customers, a trial was just held in North Carolina for another glutenly evil man. Awhile back (probably a few years), there was a lot of talk in the gluten-free community about some awesome gluten-free bread coming from North…
So…Not a Chef
It turns out that guy who called himself a chef was actually not one; he was a part-time server at the restaurant in question. Now, whether or not he was writing down the wrong order or not, we don’t actually know at the moment. Channel 9 News in Colorado did a piece on it. Hell…
On the Other Hand
Let us not forget, however, those cooks, chefs, and restaurants that go OUT OF THEIR WAY to make us great, safe meals. These are the people and restaurants that we truly need to remember. If you have a favorite restaurant, please share it with us!
I Could Rant and Rave for Hours…
I’ve had a strange couple of days, but seeing this really ticked me off! Have you ever gone to a restaurant, been so very careful, talked to everyone, and you leave pretty sure they screwed up, perhaps even lied to you, on purpose, about the food being gluten-free? Well, here’s proof that someone does, even…
Gluten-Free with Tenley Molzahn
Have you ever watched the tv show The Bachelor? I admit, I have not. So I had no idea who I was headed to meet at the Kinnikinnick booth at Expo West. Tenley Molzahn, a former dancer and contestant on The Bachelor, told me that after years of being sick and seeing tons of doctors…