Delightfully Gluten Free (TM)

Category: Uncategorized

  • GF Cupcake Maker

    There is a new toy out this season, and if you have kids that are gluten-free or nut-free, then you will want to check this out. This is really quite exciting. The cupcake mixes for the Girl Gourmet cupcake maker are both gluten-free and nut-free. Gluten-free is moving on up! Right now, you can get…

  • GF Halloween Candy

    It’s that time of year again. Halloween, the craziest candy day of the year. And the day after Halloween? That’s the day that a whole bucketful of candy makes its way to the fire station. Not only is it a great way to dispose of gluteny or questionable candy, but it also saves me from…

  • GF on Emeril

    Mark your calendar and set your DVR boxes!! On Tuesday October 7th at 8:30pm EST, NFCA’s Vanessa Maltin will appear on the Emeril Green cooking show! Date: Tuesday October 7th Time: 8:30pm EST Channel: Discovery Green During this episode Emeril will help a newlywed couple learn to cook delicious gluten-free food. The wife was recently…

  • Please Welcome Corice!

    I told the doctor I had no intentions of waiting until the 18th to have my baby.  Lo and behold, my water broke early Monday morning. Corice Nicole Gee was welcomed into this world at 9:27 a.m. on Monday, September 15th.  She weighed 6 pounds, 1.3 ounces, and was 18.5 inches long.  She is a…

  • DeBoles Multi Grain Pasta

    DeBoles has a new pasta out – a multi grain penne.  I can’t even find the product listed on their website. To me, it tastes just as good as their rice pastas.  We had it tonight as mac ‘n cheese with hot dogs (Andy’s idea).  It didn’t get mushy, and it held up pretty well…