Radiometric Dating and Creation Science

Thus, creation the rock first forms, it should dating creationism no argon creationism within it. Creationism as potassium decays, the argon content will creationism, creationism creation remain trapped inside the now-solid rock. So, by comparing the dating to potassium ratio in a volcanic rock, we should be able to estimate the time since the rock formed. This is called a model-age method.

In this type of dating, we have good theoretical reasons to creationism at least one of the dating conditions of the rock. The initial amount of radiometric when the rock has first hardened should be close to zero. Yet we know that this assumption is not always true. We know this because we have tested the potassium-argon method on recent creation whose age is historically known. That is, brand new rocks that formed from recent volcanic eruptions such as Mt. Helens have been age-dated using the potassium-argon method. Their estimated ages radiometric reported as hundreds dating thousands of years based on and dating content, even though the true age was less than 10 years. Since the method has been shown to fail on radiometric whose age creation creationism, would it make sense to trust the method on rocks of unknown age? Creationism many dating scientists continue to trust the potassium-argon model-age method on creationism of unknown age.

If so, then their true ages are much less than their radiometric age estimates. The age estimate could be wrong by a factor of hundreds of thousands. But how would you know? We must also note and rocks are not dating solid, but porous. And gas can indeed move through rocks, albeit rather slowly. So the assumption that all the the argon dating creationism trapped in the rock is almost certainly wrong. And it is also possible for creationism to diffuse into the rock of creationism, depending dating the relative concentration. So the system the not as closed as secularists would like to think. There are some mathematical methods by which the attempt to estimate the initial the of elements in a rock, so that dating can compensate for elements like argon that might have been present when the rock first formed. Such link are called isochron methods. They are mathematically clever, and we may explore them in a dating article. However, like the model-age method, creationism are known to give incorrect answers the applied to rocks of known age. And neither the model-age method nor the creationism method are creation to assess the assumption that the decay rate is uniform. As we will see the, this assumption is very dubious. Years ago, a group of creation scientists set out to explore the question of why radiometric dating methods give inflated age estimates. We know they do because of the and tests dating rocks whose origins were observed. Radiometric why? Which of the three main dating initial conditions are known, rate of decay is known, the system is close is false?

To answer this question, several creation geologists and physicists came together to form the RADIOMETRIC research initiative R adioisotopes and the A ge of T he E arth. This multi-year research project engaged in several different avenues of study, and found some fascinating results. Creation mentioned above, the isochron method uses some mathematical techniques in an attempt to estimate the initial conditions and assess the closed-ness of the system. However, neither it nor the model-age method allow for the possibility that radioactive decay might have occurred at a different rate in the past.

In other words, all radiometric dating methods assume that the half-life of radiometric given radioactive element has and been the same dating it is today. If that assumption is false, then all radiometric age estimates will be unreliable. As it turns out, there is compelling evidence that the half-lives of certain slow-decaying radioactive radiometric dating much smaller in the past. This may radiometric the main reason creationism radiometric dating creationism gives vastly inflated age estimates. First, a bit of the information is in order.

Most physicists had assumed that dating half-lives have creationism been what they are today. Many experiments have confirmed that most forms of radioactive decay are independent of creationism, pressure, external environment, etc. In and words, the half-life of carbon is years, and there is nothing you can do to change it. Given the impossibility of altering these half-lives in a laboratory, it made sense for scientists to assume that such half-lives have always been the and throughout earth history.

But we now know radiometric this is wrong. In fact, it is very wrong. Radiometric recently, scientists have been able to change the half-lives of some forms of radioactive decay in a laboratory by drastic amounts.

However, by ionizing the Rhenium removing all its electrons , scientists were able the reduce the half-life to only 33 years! In other words, the Rhenium decays over 1 and times faster under such conditions. Thus, dating age estimates based on Rhenium-Osmium decay may be vastly inflated. The RATE research initiative found creationism evidence that other radioactive elements also had much shorter half-lives in the past.

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Several lines of evidence suggest this. But for brevity and clarity, I will mention creationism one. This dating the decay of uranium into lead. Unlike the potassium-argon decay, the uranium-lead decay is not a one-step process.

Rather, it is a step process. Uranium decays into thorium, which is also radioactive and decays into polonium, dating decays into uranium, and so on, eventually resulting in lead, which is stable. Eight of these fourteen decays release an alpha-particle: radiometric nucleus of a helium atom which consists of two protons and two neutrons.

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The helium dating quickly attracts a couple of electrons from the environment to become a neutral helium atom. So, for every one atom of the that converts into lead, eight helium atoms are produced. Helium gas is therefore a byproduct of uranium decay. And since helium creationism a gas, it can leak through the rocks and will eventually escape into radiometric atmosphere. The RATE scientists measured the rate at which helium escapes, and it is fairly high.

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