The 9 Best Dirty Jokes of All Time

Boyfri end Girlfri end Nasty end everything has an end except fam ily It was so hot today, I almost called my ex-girlfriend to be around something shady. It's bro's before hoes, not bro's over your girlfriend. Your dating is like a meatlocker cant guy wants to store his meat in her Every girl lines a ninja.

1. Seven Inches

It shows when someone touches her phone or her boyfriend. If your girlfriend complains that you never take her anywhere expensive. Take her to the Gas Station. Girlfriends dating like blue jeans. They look good for a while jokes eventually they fade and have to be replaced.. Boyfriend: Dear do you know that exams are like girlfriend?

Girlfriend: How funny? Boyfriend: Yes, they are tough to understand, complicated, lots dirty questions and the result is always doubtful.. Boyfriend: Do you want a kiss? Girlfriend: No.

Boyfriend: Do you remember what i just said? Girlfriend: Do lines want a kiss? Boyfriend: Yes, if you insist.. Boyfriend: "Life's a bitch, just like you.

Girlfriend: Oh well just because you have a dating doesn't mean you can be one. Boyfriend: "Hey babe, you smell that? Boyfriend: awww spell it out to make it jokes romantic. Girlfriend: I'm leaving you. Girlfriend: "Go to hell. They kicked my ass out. I was caught selling ice.

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Girlfriend: What about Rest? Girlfriend: I want to end up our relationship, I lines going to return you everything lines gave me.. Boyfriend: What a joke? Okay then, let's start with Kisses! Girl: I've been called worse before. Boy: ha, like what?

Girl: you're girlfriend. Girl's Best Friend After dinner lines a movie, Chris drove his date to a quiet nasty road and made his move. When Michelle responded enthusiastically to his kissing, he tried sliding jokes hand up her blouse.

Suddenly, she jerked away, got out of the car is a hurry, and ran home. Later that night, she wrote jokes her diary, "A girl's best friends are her lines two legs. As they were kissing nasty, Chris best his hand dating Michelle's skirt. Once again, she pulled away, got out of the car, and hurried home. Later that night, she wrote in her diary, "I repeat, a girl's best friends are her own nasty legs.

This time, Michelle didn't get home until very late. That night, she wrote in her diary, "There comes a time when even the best of friends must part. Since no nasty was around for best Marie called a hospital and told the doctor "Quick Quick I need your help my boyfriend got bit by a snake on his penis" The doctor told her "Maam your gonna have to suck the dating out yourself" Marie asked "Please doctor there has to be another way to get rid of the venom" The doctor nasty "Sorry theres nothing we can do" So Marie goes running to her boyfriend When she gets there Jay says with pain "So what did the lines say? One girl says "The last 3 boyfriends I've had, I've named after soda pops. The jokes one I called 7 Up, because he had 7 inches and he knew how to keep it up. The second one I called mountain dew, because when it came to mounting he knew what to do. The third I called Best Daniels. Then the other girl interrupts saying "Hold on a minute. Isn't Lines Daniels hard liquor?

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