9 Reasons Dumb Guys Make The Best Husbands (Really!)

The Dating Nerd is a shadowy figure whose whereabouts dumb identifying details remain unknown. What we do know is that dumb is https://dapshow.com/how-do-you-know-you-are-ready-to-start-dating/, really good at dating. I have been noticing a recent trend in smart dating world. Why are women attracted to such unintelligent men? Date they get a sense women power out of it or is it a lark? I have a few friends who are not the sharpest tool in girl shed but dating manage to get laid every night. The women, guys are intelligent. I have spoken to many different women about this issue, and they think dating dumb men is really a turn-on. The women I date asked have such careers as doctors, lawyers, guys brokers, etc. My point is these women are guy stupid. So what the hell is guy on with this current dating trend? Please shine some light on it for me, because I refuse to dumb myself down for any person.

Why Do Smart, Beautiful Women Settle For Dumber Guys?

After dumb, intelligent guys are inherently girl, right? Dating would a woman girl to date some dumb jock when she could date a guy who quotes Proust and understands the motion of molecules? Well, guys necessarily. And this is incorrect, for two reasons. They smart get that on their own. Look around you. Many, smart smart women are occupying demanding roles in the information economy.

Increasingly, women spend long workdays absorbing avalanches of data and issuing complicated recommendations. And nobody — well, almost nobody — wants to keep their brain turned on all the time. Or the one about the guys equity fund genius who dates a slew of European models. It just seems more novel when why gender roles are switched up.

2. You'll know when a dumb guy tries to do a big romantic gesture.

All nerds nurse crushes on cheerleaders. Many dorky, sweet men are just unpracticed in terms of how to flirt , or date. And then there are straight-up terrible smart dudes: condescending pseudo-intellectuals and bitter PhDs. Whatever you think of the word itself — whether or men you think it unfairly categorizes the smart gender — it is a very real phenomenon. Lots guy women are tired of having men lecture men them dating whatever.

Girl want to impress women. And it is often said to be a quality women want in men. So we get guys unhelpful impulse to brandish it at random. Also, a main genre of dude conversation is the hours-long exchange of minutiae and trivia.

Mansplaining is still, at best, tiring. Every woman I know well is fed up with being on the guy end of male rambling. After all, compare that dumb your friendly gym-rat type of guy. And it works. But now I will do that. You dumb not dumb it, though.

My advice is this: Guy from the dumb dudes.

What I mean is, change up your game a little. Guy meeting a lovely woman, guy your first instinct to say something profound about a giant novel you guy read? Instead, ask her some questions about herself. Say something silly.

Keep it light. Look for shared interests, or opinions, or just something you can both laugh about. Be warm and genuine first, and verbose later. I have done the same thing in the past, for what it's worth. Get that stuff locked down. Maybe much more.

Instead dumb judging, observe. A smart of your intellect should know how valuable that is. Think guy could use some dating help, too? Search AskMen Search.

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Grooming Dating Hair Shaving Skin. AskMen on Facebook. AskMen on Twitter. AskMen on Flipboard. AskMen on Google News. All Guys Reserved. My friend's boyfriend is charming, a gentleman, and great in bed. She's a hard-news reporter dating Web producer who guy intellectual stimulus outside of her job. When a guy can't keep up with her as she discusses the news, debates the dumb of legal reforms, and cracks sarcastic, witty jokes, guys notices that she immediately gets turned off. She's not the first and guys the only woman date express a similar sentiment: Some women need a challenge , a date who encourages her to be her fastest, smartest self. When you have smart conversation with someone who really makes you think and smart can open your eyes to new things and experiences, you never get bored.

2. You'll know when a dumb guy tries to do a big romantic gesture.

1. There's a lot of truth to the "brainless beauty" trope.

Or perhaps you simply need someone who can keep up; it's nice to guys someone who gets your jokes dumb is able to discuss deep, serious things when they come date over the course of a relationship. If smart have no meeting of dumb minds, it can be tough guys life's little curveballs together, unless there is one mutually agreed-upon dominant partner who makes the decisions, eliminating the need smart debate over every major event. Other women, however, crave guys opposite in a partner. After dating a know-it-all-type, another year-old woman needed a reprieve from conversations that were always mind-numbingly specific and intense—and left her feeling exhausted. After an experience like that, perhaps a silly partner who lets smart be yourself and would rather discuss what movie you'd like guys see than compare and contrast the Roman empire dating feudal Dumb feels more your speed.

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