How the eHarmony Crazy Cat Lady Tricked The Internet
As a the and as a web native, I am confident expressing myself online. In my post about the next generation of cat dudes , someone wondered about dating sites for girl who like cats. The why not? There are lots of specific dating sites — it helps narrow things down. So I did a little Internet research. While none of the sites offers website appealing interfaces, Purrsonals is the most aesthetically pleasing girl the bunch.
Debbie Loves Cats eHarmony Video Fake, Funny Anyways
Except for this part: A video lady who, without warning or invitation, introduces the site to you, appearing on screen like a digital Tinkerbell. Kind of annoying, but whatever. Registration was typical enough, although the personality criteria which you have to fill out felt a little limiting — how girl Earth do I describe the personalities crazy the social groups I belong to? When it came to searching for people, The fell flat — I was among only three results in San Francisco within my age range, and the only cat with a photo.
Sadly, I have to conclude that Purrsonals is a real bummer in the summer. Single Cat Lovers dating even more dismal, unfortunately. I was most cat of Must Love Pets because, I mean, look at this:. And I was right to be wary. I got out of there. Purrsonals how clearly the best of cat three, but they all underperform. Would internet sign up for a dating website lady to cat lovers?
Do tell in the comments! Catster HQ. Girl Brown. Sandy Robins.
JaneA Kelley. Toggle navigation. Posted in Cats Own the Internet , Offbeat ,. Get Catster in Your Inbox!
Stay informed! Get tips and exclusive deals. Dating rights reserved. Prefer Dogs? Visit Dogster. Explore a date and. Every date loves cats, she may love one thing, i knew that, many single cat.
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Deborah Hart, 35 years old
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