Vintage Schwinn serial number lookup
Serial Number Location
Serial Number Location
May 20, 2, 3, 50 Cheney, WA. Last edited: Aug 11,. Likes: TieDye and DonChristie. If someone wants to add information for serial number prior serial , please post that here. Please don't reply with discussion beyond that.. I want to dating this thread strictly related to serial number i.
Thanks, DS. Likes: barnyguey. Feb 5, 6, 1, 40 San Diego. More on the 47 side.
Identifying features: Skinny drop outs Razor edge fenders Shortie rear fender early rare light cover has deep rear screw hole Raised or de bossed style AS clamp how Non scripted light schwinn Tapered pencil kick stand Canti frames have more of a hump to the top tube. Early Straight bars ie "fat bars" have same dia bottom tubing. This date also was dating on later years and is not number indicative of a Rack clamp is a one piece flat band aid shaped plate. Rear top stay fender bracket is sometimes tubular on early frames. I've only seen this on dx models. My 46 rear fender stay mount is taller schwinn more boxy then dating 40s 50s style.
Early 46 tanks numbers been seen date tapped brackets ie left over snap style source tanks. Big outtie delta horn button and tank hole prewar size. Chain guard front frame dating tab is thinner with bigger hole. Grips will be oval with one tail coming off N without double back crossover late prewar style Rear chevron will be shorter on.
Drop center date serial sometimes Lobdell flat profile rims. Springer bicycles bolt rumored to be chrome on early 46? Pivot clip was bicycles style half clip.
Note; A serial date again in 51 but in regular larger print. What I have gathered doing research and asking experts is that the I J and K serials bicycle have schwinn left over prewar BB shells and bicycles frames that had already been stamped prior. A being the first true postwar serial. Hope this helps. Pm me if you have any further questions or would like to add something to the list. Thank you. Codes edited: Date 22,. Likes: Nashman , PlasticNerd , oimakoi and 5 others. Aerostrut Look Ma, No Hands! Jan 7,. Oct 10, 44 25 Findlay, IL.
I have a post dating I frame.