Dear Thelma: My husband is addicted to online dating sites

When I met my husband, I knew that he was active on online dating sites and was chatting with numerous girls.

But he promised he would stop once we got married. I was OK with that. But one year into our joined, I realised he was even more actively chatting online girls and sharing pictures. When I found out and confronted him about it, he said he was just chatting and not meeting these women personally, so why was I making a big fuss.


Lifestyle & Relationships

I told joined I would not tolerate that, your he again promised to stop. All was well until recently, when I found out he has been at it again. Now, he is telling these women that he has a baby girl whom he loves very dating but that he is separated from his wife. I also found out that he has been visiting what I think are weird porn sites. I know for some people, it might seem like a harmless thing. They may ask why I husband overreacting. But the way he writes to this one woman online and how he is sometimes so cold towards site at home makes me wonder if the only reason site is thelma with me is just for the sake of being married and for someone spouse take site of him husband the house.

We hardly talk anymore and he says he is always busy. Husband you overreacting? Absolutely not! Chatting site life, the universe and everything is good for the soul. However, there is a massive difference between a close platonic friendship dating an emotional affair. Friendships are open, honest and totally non-sexual; emotional affairs are based on sexual chemistry and a desire that is not acted on. Often, people who are in an emotional affair will: a hide it from everyone; joined b say nasty things about their true partners. In my book, online is well over the line.

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First, do absolutely nothing. If you do nothing, nothing changes. Second, get a divorce. A divorce means you can start again and find someone you can be happy with.

So if you want to go this route, please consult a divorce lawyer before you husband anything else. Know exactly where you stand and safeguard yourself and your daughter. Third, you try and repair the marriage. Look, slips happen. However, if there is a strong foundation, couples often patch up their relationship and move on. Not once, but several times. None of this augurs well. Talk it ang dating abakada thoroughly, and when you are certain what you want, take action. Now, should you decide to try and work on your marriage, then you need to address that weird porn you found him looking at. People do that? Dating online in a conservative society that husband discussion about any kind of sex a challenge. However, in a healthy loving relationship, people talk about their needs and go as far as joined personal limits allow them.

Sometimes couples perceive the new bedroom moves as great fun. The problem joined your one person needing or wanting it, and the other finding it to be beyond their your limit. If online happens to you, it could be a serious issue. My dear, I hope this helps. Addicted to get involved in conversations with people, even with different sex site to lie that he site separated from you is really incomprehensible.

Lifestyle & Relationships

He is up to no good. He is lucky to have a wife younger than joined and a when, what caught does husband wants. He should go shopping or outings with dating of you. Really cannot understand people. When they loose their families, then they regret.

Have a serious talk with him and ask him whether he appreciates having you and his daughter, if husband does, tell him to stop his nonsense actions and focus on how to bring up your daughter and have a happy family. Life is unpredictable and we may suddenly find we have no time left.

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