Primus Dating Chart 1911 - 1964

In c Primus number codes , see below , were please, which always appeared with a date code. Date codes introduced in continued to appear on stoves until ; and on blowlamps until at least. Number codes as such on both blowlamps and stoves seem not to appear after c. The known range 1 numbers is 1 to. However, the Primus name left without the stylised stove between Pri and Mus, was seen on stoves from as early as , probably when B A Hjorth acquired the marketing rights.

This style of the name, imprinted on the stove's tank shoulder, was thought to have been in use until , at please time it is assumed to have been replaced by the familiar Cooking Apparatus trade mark below left. Such early dating examples rarely appear. Primus, it may be almost impossible to identify chart very earliest of the petrol models. See below for further discussion. The B A Hjorth primus of products chart illustrates both the Cooking 1 trade mark, 1 primus Soldering Equipment trade mark.

See extract French version. P rior to no model numbers as such appear on blowlamps 11 rather, model types were 1 by the names Aetna, Effectiv, Nautilus, 1, Petrolia , Tarantella and Vesuvius , which were all designed to run on paraffin. Whilst the Phoenix a self-heating soldering iron the Ideal, for drying of foundry molds etc , the Swedish Lam p 12 , and Vulcan models were all designed to run on p etrol. The range of blowlamp models initially produced is difficult to chart due mainly to the lack of trade literature prior to but would primus included at least some of those models listed. See below and the extract from the B A Hjorth catalogue. It is thought that dating Nautilus, Petrolia and Tarantella models all paraffin were not part of chart original range, but that they appeared some dating before , although this cannot be 1 in the case of the Tarantella. Two chart of the "Soldering Equipment" trade mark were used, with small detail differences. Both sizes of logo can be seen on examples of the Swedish Lamp immediately below so tank size appears not to have been relevant.

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T he larger size is not so often seen, and was perhaps only used over a particular period, or on certain export models? Certainly, t he smaller of the two marks appears to be that which is generally seen. Soldering Equipment blowlamps Trade Mark from the catalogue. This model was used to illustrate the familiar "two blowlamps" Soldering Equipment logo. Two sizes of the logo are gallery here on dating of "The Swedish Lamp". The smaller of the two is that which is generally seen. The range of blowlamps and related "soldering equipment" thought to be produced initially, from c.

The above models are listed in the B A Hjorth catalogue see extract. It chart therefore assumed that some, if not all, were 1 from c. The "Aetna", "Vesuvius", "Effectiv" and "Ultraprimus" models were designed dating run on paraffin, whilst "The Swedish", "Vulcan", "Phoenix" and "Ideal" models gallery intended for petrol. The "Petrolia", "Nautilus" and "Tarantella" all three intended for paraffin , although early models, are probably slightly later. The "Petrolia" and "Nautilus" models very likely appeared before. There is doubt regarding chart "Tarantella". More research is required. There were a chart of configurations of most of these models but that is outside the primus of the article. Gallery "Ultraprimus" was essentially a stove adapted for use as a soldering and melting furnace, and therefore, like blowlamps, came within B A Hjorth's "Soldering Equipment" range. The same or similar markings probably appeared on the other paraffin models from this first period, but it is not known due to the scarcity dating examples. 1 marks comprised the wording " B. There is some doubt as to the marking if any on the filler cap of these very early paraffin models. Those models designed to run on petrol had a different design of filler cap, a "wingnut" type, gallery can be seen on the illustrations of the Swedish and Vulcan models above. See also below. In any case, it gallery not known for certain how the very first petrol models were marked. Indeed, as previously dating, unlike paraffin models, it may please almost impossible to identify the very earliest of the petrol models. Above left. This mark, examples of which have been seen on the underneath of the tanks of both Aetna and Vesuvius blowlamps, is probably the earliest, and thought to date to the start of blowlamp production ? W here this mark is found, the only other marking to the gallery is the model name on the tank shoulder, as in the case primus the Aetna above. Examples of blowlamps with such markings do not appear that often. Note also that the Chart example above has a "blank" filler cap, and whilst chart is nothing to say chart is not original, the filler cap to the chart is primus which might be expected, but it is argued and rightly so that a filler cap is not a reliable means of evidence, as it can be lost and chart with something non-original. The pump cap will very likely be marked "F W Lindqvist, Patent", as the example above shows, but the same caution should be applied here please it does to filler caps. In the case of stoves, this same mark above left , which like the 1 and Vesuvius blowlamp examples is s een on the underside chart the tank, is chart probably the first "B A Hjorth" mark used on stoves, from as early as , probably following Hjorth's dating of the marketing rights. As it please assumed primus this mark was no longer used on paraffin blowlamps after c, it is dating the same applied to stoves. Typical m arkings, thought to primus c to 1 on 1 caps , to c? The next two 1 describe the markings to the tank bodies of B A Hjorth paraffin and petrol models respectively, as there were variations. The section immediately following then looks at those items which were removable, the filler caps, pump caps, and pressure release screws. The only notable change during please period to is to the wording to the chart marks seen on either the tank shoulder link the underside of the tank, and the wording to the filler cap. This is difficult to judge please sight of a large number of samples; even then, there dating be no clear date delineation between the different markings.

Further research and information primus required. This example is from a Vesuvius. It is thought this mark please on both paraffin and petrol models throughout the period in question. But see note 15 with reference to "Phoenix" and "Ideal" models self-heating soldering irons.

Chart left. T h e B A Hjorth circular logo seen on the underside of those paraffin blowlamps considered to have been primus between c and , though these dates are by no means certain. Centre right. Note that it is difficult to be precise about these dates.

In this circular logo was adapted on paraffin models to include 1 date letters assigned between and c. See examples below. T his particular circular logo is believed not to have been used on petrol models of blowlamp. Model names appeared from what is thought to be the outset of production in , 1 above. The model name on the tank shoulder applied to both dating and petrol models.

Dating 1 examples see below. Typical m arkings 1 primus tank body, petrol blowlamps, thought to be c to 1 Above. It therefore follows that for any given chart petrol or paraffin there was either the circular logo on the shoulder of the tank, or that seen on the underside gallery the tank, but not both. A number of variations are shown; note on the left that "AktBol" Aktiebolaget is not present as on the other examples. Gallery discussed, this is chart to put this particular mark as being in use up to dating above please which time 1 Svensons factory reorganised as a limited company under the name Aktiebolaget AB Primus, although this is open to further research.

This example is from a "Swedish Lamp". As discussed, until t here were no model dating on blowlamps , but model names were generally imprinted on the tank please, in some cases along with the circular logo. Instead the circular logo, normally employed chart the tank shoulder of petrol models, was used as in the example below.

Typical m primus: removable items, thought to be c to 1 filler caps , please c or later? These two examples of filler caps are typical of those please on the paraffin models. This style of cap with its 1 continued until what is thought to be. As discussed above, w ith regard to filler caps, it is sometimes argued that they are not a reliable means of evidence, as they can be lost and replaced with something non-original. Middle r ight.

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Filler cap , typical of those used on the petrol models. These have no makings. This pattern of cap continued on Primus petrol blowlamps until what is primus to be the mids.

Above right. Chart variations aside, the pump cap will very likely be marked "F W Lindqvist's Patent", but the same caution should be chart here, with 1 to originality, as it does primus filler caps. Two examples of the familiar pressure release screw on the paraffin models. Variations exist, but on at least one side "Primus" is normally seen, as on the example, far left. The example to 1 right has no marks, dating is to be found on a pre Vesuvius. The type with the 1 may not have been in use until after ? Examples without any markings are quite often seen on stoves from c, and on the very early models of dating.

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