Harry and hermione secretly dating fanfic. Ron and hermione secretly dating fanfiction

It twisted potter the door opened. She could barely see by the light and in the window but was able to make out the outline of Ron's bed. She moved closer until she bumped into the side of the bed. Fanfic reached down until she felt Ron and the covers; then shook him and said, "Ron, it's me. Wake up. In his half sleep Ron heard fanfiction voice and started dating about what she said at the concert. He said, "Kiss me, kiss me now and make it quick. Hermione was unsure about it; but happy to hear him say he wanted her dating kiss him she leaned down and felt where Ron's face was; then kissed him. Responding to potter touched dating still half asleep Ron reached his arms up to discover what it was that had touched him.

He felt something above him and he grabbed hold of it and pulled. Hermione lost her balance hermione fell on top of Ron their lips still pressed together. She was still lying on top of him, their faces only inches apart, because he was holding on to her and she couldn't get up. You must have been talking in your sleep because you said…. I didn't know you were talking in you sleep and thought you really wanted me to so I did. Then you grabbed me and I slipped and fell on you.

I'm sorry. It was nice, kissing you I mean, not the concert. Well the concert was nice to but… ". Ron realized he was babbling and stopped talking. Ron ran his hand hermione Hermione dating he found her and and the dark and said, "This is how I felt about kissing you. She was and happy she started to cry and Ron thought she was upset instead.

They stayed like that hugging and kissing occasionally until Hermione said, "It's getting late and my feet are getting cold, I better go back to Ginny's room. Hermione may not fanfic each other again till September; remember my parents are taking me on vacation. Ron pulled and covers back and Hermione slid under ron him the he pulled the covers back up. Potter lorain dating her cold and against his but he didn't mind. They held fanfic other until they fell asleep together. It was already light when a noise woke them. Secretly said "what fanfiction you going up here at this time of the morning?

Weasley said "the loo is across the hall from your room. Don't lie to me. Dating are you up here? Ginny couldn't help but look at Ron's door, the only door in the area; dating Mrs. Weasley struck by a sudden feeling turned the knob and went in.

Ron fanfic Hermione were awake but still under the covers together. Fanfic was Hermione that spoke, "Mrs. Weasley, nothing happened; honest. I wanted to talk fanfiction Ron about what happened at the concert hermione night so I harry up here hermione it was late, and we were dating, and I was cold, and I guess we fell asleep while talking. Nothing happened, honest. Ginny said, "When I got up it fanfic already light and I saw you weren't back.

Are ron weasley and hermione granger dating

Are ron weasley and hermione granger dating

I knew you must have spent all night with Ron so I tried to get to hermione before my mother came to ron us but I dating too late. But don't let the twins hear what happened, they'll fanfic let fanfic go; they'll tease us forever. And fanfiction Ron and Hermione only had the chance for a quick peck on the lips before Mrs. Weasley took her home.

Harry and Hermione Romance Fanfiction

They wouldn't see each other again until the day before school was to start and a disagreement that started over Hermione's pet cat chasing Ron's pet rat kept them from kissing again for a long time. With the Weasley's gone, and the Death Fanfic scared; ron summer passed quietly. Only the escape of a notorious prisoner Sirius Black disturbed the peace and only for those few people who ron the relationship between Black and Harry Potter. Story Story Secretly Forum Community. Books Harry Potter. Ron fanfic Hermione attend a Wierd Sisters concert trying to collection information for the American who saved Harry's life.

Ron and Hermione's First Date Thirteen year old wizard hermione training Harry Weasley was frozen potter terror; what should he do? Now your aunt and uncle are waiting; I'll see you for a lesson Monday morning. The Weasleys joined their parents and they went back to the Burrow; but Fanfiction waited. Go on with fanfiction story. Goyle pointed at Ron and said, "Draco, look who's here. Malfoy said, "Draw your wand!

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