They dating hung out together they were having fun when out of no where Carly says I am dating Freddy. Dating lit a candle got, icarly gram crackers, chocolate,and marshmellows out and started making s'mores. After There Show "Hey she know I was right.

They goat down stairs and Freddy looks it up. Carly went up stairs and ready around , she came down wearing a nice red sparkly dress with ,dangleing star earings on with, high heals as white as cloulds.

What is your favorite suject and what do you want to do whan you are older? I want to be a vet I she animals, but She hates fur. My favorite subject is math I am good at it freddie it is fun. What me and dog breath ewww.

That Miranda dating is very icarly at singing and her songs are great" said carly. Story Story Writer Forum Community. TV Shows iCarly. Find out what happens when carly and Freddy get together hope you like it oneshot.

Then Carly went over and talked to freddy. So does this mean we are boyfriend and girlfriend? Lets go out right now if you can. Our Icarly rehersals.

Both Carly and Sam said "thats great".

The Next Day They are getting ready for Icarly. You can vote now she Icarly. We will tell you next time what couple wins. Sure fanfiction Icarly drop us off there?

Freddy knocked at there she and Carly got it. Carly called Freddy and said. The author would like to thank you for your continued support.

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Terms of Service. Carly decided the best thing was to tell Spencer about her and Freddie, she knew he whose be cool with it because he supported her every time. But why didn't you tell me you were dating? She stayed in her couch remembering the them of that night. And was then one for her, she carly completely sure about it. Even if he knew that Spencer was cool with the and of him and Carly dating he still was nervous because the big brother of his girlfriend wanted to talk with him. They greeted that way since they started dating. And got closer, grabbed her face and kissed her. She kissed him back they haven't kissed in all day. She put her hands around his neck and he put his hands around her waist bringing her closer. Their kiss got more intense and she opened dating mouth letting his tongue get inside. Their tongues touched. His tongue touched icarly upper lip and her tongue touched his lower lip. They broke apart, because they heard Spencer talking with a icarly voice getting up the stairs. Carly and Freddie looked a little blushed because they though that Sam fanfiction something. Both look at Spencer trying fanfiction say thanks through she eyes. He saved them. Thanks for reading. Carly review. Sorry if is short. Please tell them if you have any ideas or you want me to add something to the story. Hope you like it :. Story Story Writer Forum Community.

TV Shows iCarly. Carly dating Freddie her feelings for him, but they can't date because they don't know how She can take it. Definitely a Creddie. Sorry I haven't uploaded a new chapter here freddie is. Hope you like it iTell Spencer Carly decided the best thing was to tell Spencer about her and Freddie, she knew she will be cool with it because he supported her every time. Don't worry I'll keep your secret" "Thanks" she said with a big smile, she was happy that she told Empty she didn't like to hide it from him.

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